
Abdominal Opening and Closure Trainer

Model TYE4016
Product size(mm) 300×300×200


This trainer is a multi-layered abdominal wall pad mounted on a base for teaching all surgical access and closure techniques to the abdomen.

Skills Gained

· Incisions: linear, ellipse, flaps, shaped

· Insertion of a veress needle

       · Insertion of a trocar

· Hassen technique

· DPL techniques

· Simple and advanced interrupted suturing techniques

· Subcuticular undermining

· Subcuticular suturing

· Stapling

· Continuous suturing

· Use of adhesive strips

· Cleansing operation area skills

· Changing medication


· Anatomy: 

  5-layered pad represents the realistic local abdominal wall anatomy: skin, hypodermia, fascia, peritoneum and intestinal canal

· Realism: 

  High-quality material simulates different tissue tension

· Versatility: 

  Convenient and easy replacement

· Key Features:

  1)   Several incisions can be done on the abdominal wall

  2)   Practice layer-by-layer incision, suture, knotting, stitches removal etc.

Tellyes, Virtually Real

Stock code :833047

Address:2nd & 3rd Floor, West 6th Building, 18 West HaiTai Road, Tianjin, China





Tellyes Scientific INC.  Copyright  津ICP备14006255号-1